GrammaTech Wins Award for Most Significant New Software Product at ESC Silicon Valley

SAN JOSE, CA, Design West Conference/ESC — GrammaTech, Inc., a leading manufacturer of source-code analysis tools, was awarded the 2012 Embeddy Award for most significant new software product for its new CodeSonar® software architecture visualization system. The award was presented by VDC Research, the sponsor of the Embeddy Awards. CodeSonar visualization is a next-generation software architecture visualization system that incorporates a sophisticated new interface for viewing the relationships between program elements. The system is integrated with CodeSonar, GrammaTech’s static-analysis tool for detecting defects.

Presented annually, the Embeddy Awards are given to manufacturers who demonstrate the most significant new software and hardware products at Design West/ESC. Winners are chosen by VDC analysts based on the following criteria: corporate, technological, industry significance and availability.

After receiving the award, Dr. Paul Anderson, VP of Engineering at GrammaTech said, “GrammaTech is extremely honored to receive this award and would like to thank our development team for their creativity and dedication in helping to design the new system. CodeSonar visualization has tremendous applicability to many embedded platforms from mission-critical applications to those outside the safety-critical space. The system is a powerful rendering engine giving developers insight into the interrelationships between elements in software, from small projects to large projects consisting of millions of line of source code.”

CodeSonar visualization is the latest enhancement to the GrammaTech product line and gives developers the advantage of real-time, fluid transitions to visualize massive data sets and work at different levels of abstraction.

About CodeSonar Visualization
CodeSonar’s visualization displays the program’s call graph organized according to the module structure of the program. Graph layouts can be changed in real time and present data in tree, map, circuit, cluster, flow, radial and other layouts. Data is featured in a layered way that provides a high-level view with drill-down capability; users can explore the program from the bottom up as well.

About GrammaTech:
GrammaTech’s static-analysis tools are used worldwide by startups, Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, and government agencies. The staff includes fourteen researchers with PhDs in programming languages and program analysis.