
GrammaTech CodeSonar Selected by the Joint Federated Assurance Center (JFAC) to Improve Confidence in Department of Defense Applications

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MAY 2020


GrammaTech, a leading developer of software-assurance tools and advanced cyber-security solutions, today announces their collaboration with the Joint Federated Assurance Center (JFAC) to provide CodeSonar® for Source and Binaries to Department of Defense organizations, improving their software-assurance practices and helping them deliver more secure and resilient software systems.

JFAC is a Department of Defense (DoD) organization established in 2014 that promotes software and hardware assurance in DoD programs. JFAC serves as the DoD point of contact for interdepartmental efforts in software and hardware assurance, as well as developing recommendations for innovating in vulnerability analysis, testing and protection tools.

Part of JFAC’s mission is to identify and facilitate access to software- and hardware-assurance expertise. In choosing CodeSonar® for Source and Binaries, they enable member organizations to improve their security-vulnerability detection capability from development to operations. CodeSonar® can now be used by DoD programs to detect cyber vulnerabilities in source code during the software development lifecycle, as well as during the deployment phase when only binaries are available.

“We are honored to have the opportunity to support the JFAC,” said Vince Arneja, Chief Product Officer at GrammaTech. “The ongoing innovative technology that is the underpinning of CodeSonar® will help the DoD by finding complex defects and vulnerabilities early and will help save lives with the safety-critical software that the nation depends on.” 

CodeSonar® is GrammaTech’s groundbreaking static application security testing (SAST) tool to find bugs and vulnerabilities in source code, bytecode, binary code and libraries. CodeSonar® is optimized to find bugs in safety- and security-critical software that runs in the devices and systems that the DoD uses to secure the nation. This includes vehicles, planes, industrial devices, software-defined radios, command and control systems, weapon systems and many more.

About GrammaTech:

GrammaTech is a leading provider of application security testing solutions including static analysis and software-assurance products. We help organizations develop and release high quality and secure software – free of harmful defects and exploitable weaknesses that cause system failures, enable data breaches, and increase corporate liabilities in today’s connected world.

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