
Apple App Safety and Security Spur Objective-C Support for CodeSonar

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Advanced static analysis for Objective-C available now for software teams building apps in macOS, iOS, tvOS or watchOS


Software development teams building apps in the Apple ecosystem – including macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS – now have a new advanced static analysis tool to ensure code quality in their projects. GrammaTech, a leading provider of software assurance tools and cybersecurity solutions, today announced immediate availability of Objective-C language support in their flagship product, CodeSonar.

CodeSonar offers advanced static analysis of Objective-C code to software teams where security and quality in their app is critical. Combining advanced static analysis with collaboration and visualization tools, CodeSonar allows multiple team members to visualize defect paths and the surrounding code base, while simultaneously assigning and reviewing potential vulnerabilities. When implemented early in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), CodeSonar can save teams time, money, and reputation by finding more bugs in the source code early. Most of the critical bugs found by CodeSonar for C apply equally to Objective-C, including buffer overrun, stack overflow, allocation/deallocation issues, use of null pointers, and more.

A survey in 2016 by the Blancco Technology Group found that 58% of iOS-based devices suffered from apps crashing or other components shutting down, outpacing Android for the first time. It has become clear that mobile apps in the Apple ecosystem are not immune to bugs and vulnerabilities.

“Compared to open source static analysis tools for Objective-C, CodeSonar provides more checkers and performs deeper analysis, finding more bugs,” said Mark Hermeling, Senior Director of Product Marketing at GrammaTech. “CodeSonar for the Apple ecosystem helps software teams improve their quality and security, and allows them to build better apps faster.”

In addition to Objective-C, CodeSonar supports C/C++ and Java, as well as x86, x64 and ARM machine code. To book a free evaluation of CodeSonar for Objective-C, visit

About GrammaTech:

GrammaTech’s advanced static analysis tools are used by software developers worldwide, spanning a myriad of embedded software industries including avionics, government, medical, military, industrial control, and other applications where reliability and security are paramount. Originally developed within Cornell University, GrammaTech is now a leading research center for software security and a commercial vendor of software-assurance tools and advanced cyber-security solutions. With both static and dynamic analysis tools that analyze source code as well as binary executables, GrammaTech continues to advance the science of superior software analysis, providing technology for developers to produce safer software. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

Media Contact:
Rodney Fleming |

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