Monitoring and Assurance

Despite the increased adoption of “shift left” approaches that integrate functionality and security testing into development, software defects can and do make it to deployment. Our monitoring and assurance technologies allow introspection into deployed software to identify and remediate flaws. They also provide evidence for formal software assurance, which is an alternate path to establishing correctness. 

Our autonomic technologies, ARTCAT and SySense, allow fine-grained runtime monitoring of application-level and UEFI software, anomaly detection in such software, and bespoke remediation of anomalous behavior. Bug-Injector seeds realistic bugs in software to stress-test DevSecOps pipelines. REAFFIRM’s binary analyses extract information about binary composition and functionality that supports assurance cases for software certification. In large, complex systems where composition of subsystems can result in unintended and undesirable security gaps, ConfINE enables whole-system reasoning to identify such gaps. 







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