The TFPGA (Trusted FPGA) tool allows users to assess and establish trust in FPGAs sourced through an untrusted supply-chain.

TFPGA works by applying novel FPGA self-characterization tests and data analyses. We leverage FPGA re-programmability and statistical methods to comprehensively measure detailed circuit characteristics that would necessarily be affected by Trojan insertion or by an alternate manufacturing source. After we make our measurements and compensate for expected statistical variation, we run a number of analyses to detect and flag anomalies. These anomalies could indicate any of the following: the existence of a hardware Trojan inserted into the component, a counterfeit part, or a re-used/recycled part.

The TFPGA system operates without golden reference models, is scalable and extensible, and provides a cost-effective test-for-trust product for commercial FPGAs that system integrators can use prior to expensive system integration and safety-critical deployment.

This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force under Contract(s) No. FA9453-17-P-0441 and FA9453-18-C-0267. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Air Force.