Unified Configuration Modeling Infrastructure

Originally published by the High Confidence Software and Systems Conference

High Confidence Software and Systems Conference, Annapolis, MD, May 2022


Denis Gopan


Modern software systems, ranging from home networks to nation-critical infrastructures, are assembled from general COTS and open-source components. These components are built to be versatile – usable in a variety of different contexts. For a system to accomplish its mission, its components must be properly configured to interoperate. However, system configuration is complicated in practice: local configuration changes often have a profound system-wide effect. Misconfiguration can both hamper system functionality and have severe security repercussions.

Formal Methods enable users to systematically reason about the global configuration of a system – to detect and diagnose cases where the configuration needs to be tightened to improve security or relaxed to enable the desired functionality. A few techniques for formally modeling various configuration aspects have been proposed over the last several decades. The most recent surge of research activity focuses on the configuration of cloud applications. Existing techniques vary in scope and level of detail (e.g., range from detailed modeling of configuration for a single Apache web server instance to high-level modeling of network configuration in a large enterprise network). Each technique only supports a narrow set of configuration surfaces and employs custom semantics definitions for system primitives, making it difficult to extend or combine these techniques for unified, system-wide configuration reasoning.

We propose an extensible modeling framework that decouples the modeling of implementation-specific system aspects from backend analyses. Central to our approach is an extensible library of reusable system-building primitives, such as, Linux user, Windows group, Ethernet network interface, and OpenSSH service. Models of arbitrarily complex systems can be automatically constructed by stitching together these building blocks. We designed a formal language that uses general programming concepts, such as abstract data types, strict static typing, and hierarchical composition of components to effectively build low-level library primitives and capture complex system concepts, such as network access, service availability, and remote system and file access. Our approach offers the following advantages:

Our language and modeling methodology allows users to effectively extend the library with support for additional systems and services. Given the multitude of software components and services actively used in real-world systems and the pace at which new technologies are developed, easy extensibility is paramount.

Client analyses have a uniform and extensive query language for checking system properties. This allows our modeling framework to be employed in many important application areas, including configuration management, penetration testing, red teaming, and forensic analysis.

The semantics of low-level system primitives (e.g., Linux directory) and high-level concepts (e.g., remote file access) is uniformly captured as a deductive database (a database system that stores a set of facts and uses a set of well- defined rules to derive additional facts from stored facts), allowing for an effective query evaluation using either existing off-the-shelf solvers or newly developed mechanisms.

The current version of our library supports a subset of Linux file access controls, remote login services, simplified web services, and basic networking. We have built models for several notional and real-world systems with sufficient accuracy to detect and diagnose non-trivial security issues, such as non-authorized system access due to an exposed private key and a sensitive information leak due to a symbolic link misuse. To provide a sense of scale, a model we auto-constructed for a system with 20 devices connected to half a dozen of subnets has 2K configuration parameters, 4K facts, and over 200 rules. Configuration parameters include firewall-rule lists, file ownership and permissions for selected files, a user-to-group assignment, a subset of SSH configuration options, etc. To query the model, we compile it into a Prolog program and use an off-the-shelf prolog interpreter (SWI-Prolog). We chose this approach to enable rapid prototyping. Much more efficient query evaluation mechanisms can be adopted in practice, such as stratified datalog solvers (e.g., Soufflé) or SMT solvers (e.g., Z3). However, even our current solution takes under 2 minutes to evaluate all stated access-control requirements for the system described above (10K individual queries).

Acknowledgements. This research was developed with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The views, opinions and/or findings expressed are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.

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